Friday, 1 April 2016

Where the Words Went

I'm very privileged to have people who notice.
It reminds me to keep posting, to keep writing and keep pressing onwards.

Creativity like any other beast of existing comes in waves. There are times where I am boiling over with productivity, quick firing emails to anyone how will listen, touring open mics and generally making a bit of a nuisance of myself.
There are times that this seems an impossible task.

As some people have noticed my blog was dormant from July last year - I was still performing, my twitter was still active but those small characters were about all I could manage. I stopped reading, reviewing and at times thinking.

See, last July my Nanny passed away - it wasn't unexpected but it still came too soon, it was quick and slow all at once. She was the spark of my childhood, my imagination and the woman who could listen to me prattle on about new poetry, plays, music, books endlessly. She was a lady with Lavender in her hair and love on her fingertips.

When she passed, I was adamant that I would immortalise her in a long spoken word show - I still will, but I allowed the need to explain myself to consume my grief and my creativity didn't respond. It felt like I couldn't do her justice.

Now, I feel ready to get back into the heart of it all. I am writing again and performing with a zeal I haven't felt in months - that is all thanks to the wonderful support of readers, friends, performers and fellow creative. You are all wonderful and you have brought me back gently to the folds of your wisdom and sharing.

So, what better time to spark this blog back into action than NaPoWriMo!

Speak soon,
Natasha x

1 comment:

  1. Life can squeeze the creative spirit into a numb limbo...But then... all that pressure for a time tends to unleash an eruption of spirited energy...I too have not written a great deal for awhile...And midst all the busy necessities of life, somehow I find a longing, a need to write...A beautiful post...
