(...) In the back bedroom is a
China cracked and glued
back together,
Where my milk teeth sour.
I held them in small
quickly too big
and replaced the weight of
with Fairytales.
I’d never tell you
Just pull on loose teeth
And find magic in the
copper of blood
The barbed wire edge
We found you
In the back bedroom
Plaiting the hair of
Barbie dolls
When mine was knot and
hairspray backcomb
Tucking the whisper of
Childhood into bed at tea
As the door slammed behind
Guilt rose in a heartburn
Where the dance floor
turned back to kitchen tiles
You said that ironing
Was a way of remembering
And smile when you found
opals in my mouth that I’d mistaken for teeth.
~ Natasha Borton
Lovely and also visceral. The coppery taste of blood is making me shiver (in a good way).