Second Monday of every month - Voicebox
Voicebox is a vibrant spoken word movement in Wrecsam, North Wales. Bringing together loose threads of creativity and the arts at Un Deg Un.
Last Sunday of every month– Rubberneck
A new creative space hosted by collective members Stephanie Finegan and Natasha Borton, Cardiff.13th May – Juke Open Mic
Natasha Borton features at Juke open mic in May at Dempseys Cardiff
14th May – Focus Wales 2016
Voicebox bring the words and noise with Lucid, Jon Compliant, Natasha Borton and Stephanie Finegan at Oriel Wrecsam as part of Focus Wales 2016. Finish the afternoon off in style with Poet in Residence Sophie McKeand.
15th May – Coleridge in Wales
Natasha Borton symbolises Coleridge’s love interest and wordsmith Mary Ellis at Cardiff Bay with The Return of the Ancient Mariner on the 15th May for the weekend launch of the 80 day community arts extravaganza across Wales. Voicebox Collective members pop in and out of the festival with it landing at Voicebox Nights 11 July.
20th May - Poems, Prose and Pints
Natasha Borton and Richard Parry join Cwtsh Writers in response to Coleridge in Wales 2016, Newport
25th May – Ignite Cardiff
Natasha Borton presents I was 14 a 5 minute talk on the grey areas of consent and rape culture for teenagers.
28th May - Badbury Rings Rewind
Details TBC - Natasha Borton performs with the Rewind Poetry Team.
24th September - Erbacce-Press Poets
Reading alongside fellow Erbacce-Press published poets at Bristol Poetry Festival 2016